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Grief takes time

by Michelle DaPonte Saslow

September 3, 2021

Author: Michelle DaPonte Saslow

I am counting time.

I wake each day covered in grief and walk through my day.

Tick, tick the hands on the clock move.

But the grief is still here, weighing me down. Exhausting me.

Tick, tick, tick I walk in step. Doing what I should. Forcing myself to take each step.

I look ahead to ending this day’s robotic movements.

Sleep comes with the help of Melatonin.

Only to wake and feel the weight of grief again.

Tick, tick, tick…..

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Michelle DaPonte Saslow

Michelle DaPonte Saslow is a mother of two sons and a grandmother. She is retired after many years of working in Church Ministry and Healthcare. Her oldest son Joseph died November 30, 2020, at 31 years old from a poly-substance overdose. Michelle shares her writings and sketches in the hope that they will help others who are grieving.

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